Friday, January 6, 2012

It's Not Really That Complicated

So funny thing happened the other day.

I went out to lunch with an old colleague of mine. A real gentleman.
He called me a few days prior and we agreed to meet and catch up with what's been happening. 
Now, I haven't seen this guy in minute but the good thing is that he always has great energy. 
Older professional type... been in the game for a minute.

So fast forward...
We're talking and he's updating me on all the goodness happening in his world which I believe is absolutely lovely for him.  Eventually, the conversation shifts to the "now" and work and blah blah blah. 
He asked what was I up to?

I responded freelancing and whatnot. 
Searching for that golden opportunity to put my knees under someone else's desk just for the sake of healthcare... 
and not really. 
We continue talking and he posed the same question to me that I've received a million times over. This isn't necessarily verbatim but it goes a little something like this... 

Him: "How can you expect anyone to know how great and wonderfully talented you are IF you don't write from your own perspective? I know you're smart, been doing ya thing for a minute and you sexy ..."

Wait on it.............

Him: "How will anyone one else know? You're a writer - that's what you do!"
Me: "Oh honey stop...but keep going"  [LOL]
Him: "You must write! That's how you're going to brand yourself. It's the only way given what you're working with."

This is NOT late breaking news folks...

I came back to this page and realized I had not written anything since 2009.
Yeah, I do a lot of posting but not really any writing from my personal perspective. 
#Real talk
Everything is generally work related. 
And since you can look at the 2009 posting like 4 stories down from this one...
I will no longer exhaust this conversation.

The point is I need a place to rest my thoughts. 
I'm not into over glamorizing situations although I work as a publicist from time to time.
I am a social butterfly and I know it yet I tend to think of myself as being much more low-key. The older I get the more that idea makes absolutely no sense and has proven itself to be completely false.
Its about time I own up to it and make it werk!

This blog must become my outlet for expressing whatever the hell I want.
Special shout out to @aliyasking for the words of encouragement today.

I promise myself to act with no fear 
Allow my words to be read, 
my thoughts to be heard 
and periodically...
show my face. 


It's not gonna be for everybody.
I must accept that too. 
We all got haters. 
Join the club.

In the end...
The solution really isn't that complicated 
I'm putting my best foot forward 
to make 2012 magical!

You don't have to like it 
Just respect what it is.